Installations, embroidery, collages



Bed frame embroidery

2x0.5meters, bed canva,


There are two main ideas

behind this work.

First is juxtaposition of efforts and effortlessness. Blogger "joeybtoonz"

concentrates on blaming modern

people of not putting enough efforts

in their art and compares them to

previous generations of craftsmen,

when it was normal to spend thousands of hours of work just to draw, for example, one cartoon.

This work is both protest and approval of this point of view.

Spending more than 300 hours within 1 year on embroidery is an interesting experience for a busy adult with anxiety, but time ≠ effort,

and the skill of embroidering hasn't been improved. Is it possible to do something long and to not get better at it? I did it on purpose, just to show how it happens at work, which most of the working class and precariat is doing around 1800 hours per year, and it doesn't improve their skills. And also just because blogger "joeybtoonz" is annoying and I didn't want him to be right.

And the second idea is in combining references to situational internationalism and futurism about originality and the end of repetitiveness with postmodern cliches, which praise repetitiveness and make these same references look like a part of the very same culture they were fighting against.

Collage cube

40x40x40cm, paper, 2023

Interior subject, which combines in itself 36 collages.

Cover for a stump

40cm, metal, embroidery, 2022

Interior subject, can be also used as a part of the fan, which prevents it from being used.

Triptych "Zu verschenken"

'Zu verschenken" - these two words belong to the streets of Berlin. But no thing is created in the first place with intention to be given away in the streets for free without making any profit. It is also a reference to practices in USSR to emboss prices of the goods right on them at the factory.



25cm, ceramic, 2021

When "Vengeance" is watered, it becomes heavier, which makes it's sharp legs dig in deeper.


Karina Shabanova (1991) is Berlin based sociologist and artist, primarily doing embroidery, collages, installations and using mixed techniques.